

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Blog 1

  1. Zackary Adam diLorenzo
  2. Zack
  3. 75 inches
  4. 19 years
  5. 8:30 am
  6. Sour Patch Kids
  7. Sunflower Seeds
  8. Led Zeppelin
  9. I play percussion and the bassoon. I also love to go hiking and backpacking
  10. Algebra 2/ Trigonometry
  11. C
  12. C
  13. C for all
  14. No
  15. All but flickr, blogspot, and wordpress
  16. Facebook
  17. Undeclared A&S 
  18. I need a math class
  19. Probably not
  20. N/A
  21. I don't like to where shoes 


  1. yes! sour patch kids are the best!

  2. Zeppelin is the best. Also you misspelled "wear".

  3. shoes are overrated. glad to have you in class. =]

    professor little
