

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Blog 1

1. Jenna Scott
2. No
3. 67.5 in
4. 19
5. 10-11am
6. Junior Mints
7. Chips
8. Either Fall Out Boy or Ed Sheeran
9. I absolutely love photography I am at the moment developing my own website.
10. High School precalculus
11. C
12. C
13. I feel quite comfortable with all of the topics except for the following:

  • Logarithmic functions
  • Basic statistics
  • Basic logic concepts
  • Logic truth tables 
  • Compound interest
  • Combinations and permutations

     These topics I either have not covered or did not fully understand the topic.

14. I haven't taken any other QRMC course.
15. Texting, facebook, pinterest, twitter, instagram, snapchat, yik yak, tumblr
16. Texting, facebook, pinterest, snapchat, yik yak
17. Anthropology
18. This class fulfills a requirement.
19. This will be my only math class.
20. I hope to learn easier forms of acquiring the answer, with accuracy.
21. Something about me I guess would be that I'm a huge hockey fan.


  1. Your a Hocky fan? that is rare! Go Black Hawks!

    1. I go all excited until you said Blackhawks! Go Avs!

  2. That's awesome that you're making your own Photography site!

  3. Are you willing to share the name of your website so we can check it out....I would love to see some of your photos

    1. At the moment I am still developing my website and I am hoping to have it completely set up and published in the next week or so. But the name of it will be Shots Unseen! I would love for you to check it out. I can also let you know when it the website is up!

  4. excited to hear more about your website! and also, go avs. =]

    professor little
