

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Margot Hudson
Blog 3

a) I read "Lemonade for Sale" by Stuart Murphy, illustrated by Tricia Tusa. In the story, a group of kids and a parrot make a lemonade stand to pay for a new club house. The children predict 30-40 cups of lemonade per day for a week will pay for a new clubhouse. On the last day, the children only sold 24 cups because the new neighborhood juggler was taking all of their customers. However, one of the children asked the juggler if he would juggle next to the stand.  The children sold more cups than any other day as a result.

b) This book demonstrates the concept of bar graphing. Each day, one of the children would mark the amount of cups sold to compare day by day sales. At the end of the week, each mark represented a day and the amount of cups sold, making it a bar graph.

c) I think literature is a good way to teach a concept because its straightforward and easy to understand. This book teaches bar graphs in such a simple context that it's almost impossible to not understand. It also includes more engaging material than a math class would so it's easier to pay attention.


  1. I agree that literature is a good tool in teaching math because it is more straightforward

  2. Great post! You summarized the book super well!

  3. margot,

    good synopsis on this book, margot. i like your reasoning for the use of literature in your last paragraph.

    professor little
