

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

1. Katherine Bolz

2. Katie

3. 58 inches

4. 18

5. 8:30

6. milk chocolate with toffee

7. fruit

8. The Avett Brothers

9. Hike, backpack, listen to music, play outside, watch movies

10. Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Statistics/Trig

11. C

12. V

13.  Adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing fractions/rational expressions
Simplifying expressions V
Simplifying rational expressions (fractions) V
Operations on roots and fractional exponent expressions V
Operations involving whole number exponent expressions V
Finding common denominators V
Linear functions v
Exponential functions v
Logarithmic functions cc
Graphing (linear, exponential, and logarithmic functions) c
Probability v
Basic statistics v
Mean, median, mode v
Combinations and permutations u
Basic logic concepts c
Logic truth tables c
Using Venn diagrams c
Using and calculating percents v
Compound interest u
Graphs (pie, line, bar, histograms, etc) c

14. No

15. all of them

16. texting, instagram, facebook

17. Undecided

18. It's required for me to graduate

19. No

20. How to be better at word problems, skills to apply math to my daily life

21. I like that there is a lot of Alice and Wonderland stuff in this course


  1. i hope you get better at word problems! you get lots of experience in this class. =]

    professor little
